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Raising A Barn


Have you ever seen a barn raising?  When you get a whole bunch of people working together, it goes up in no time at all.  It’s really something to see. People will gather on either side of a wall and with ropes and some coordination, up it goes.  Others then work quickly to secure it and move to the next.  Before you know it, you have a basic structure.

People used to help one another like this all the time.  I’m sure they all had their own worries, but put them aside for the day.  I’m sure there may have been little disagreements here and there, but time was of the essence and they were often working against the weather changing so they were settled quickly.  The issue was getting that barn built, that’s what mattered most.

Bernie Sanders tried to get us to help him raise a barn.  He told us, when we all come together, there is nothing we can’t accomplish.  He never told us it would be easy.  He never told us it would be everything we wanted right away.  All we had to do was work together and get the walls up.  We have no barn folks, we’re arguing about who bought the wood, and who’s going to push and who’s going to pull.

We have a wonderful tool at our fingertips, and we’re misusing it.  Let’s look at one of the latest scandals to spread across my timeline, Our Revolution.

So let me see if I have the gist of the situation.  Some staffers left.  The story goes they didn’t like Jeff Weaver or the organization being a 501 (c) (4).  That’s the story, and it’s being added to now to say that Jeff was actually the one to contact the media, and that the staffers just wanted to leave quietly. There is no evidence who contacted the media or why.  But seeing as Politco and others that carried the story first were named in the DNCLeak as being in collusion with the Clinton camp, I take whatever they print with a grain of salt.  The media blasted posts out the day before Our Revolution was due to launch.  Some progressive personalities, for lack of a better term, made scathing web casts condemning the organization before it even had a chance to launch.  One went as far as to say “everything that Bernie touches now is contaminated”.  Really?  This man who has been on the right side of history for the past 30 years suddenly contaminates everything he touches?  This man who has held his own in an environment where both the major parties and all the corporate interests have been working against him?

I do see a few people asking some good questions when they comment on some of the posts regarding this.  Not many though.  What I see mostly is venom and mud-slinging, the likes of which I usually only see from Correct the Record.  Theories abound, that’s for sure.  And people seem to be spending a lot of time and energy defending whichever one they prefer.  In the meantime, we have a big pile of wood getting rained on and no barn.

The way I see it, it’s pointless to argue over whether to go Green or stay Dem, or join Our Revolution or not join.  Takes people on both sides of the wall to get it balanced.  Activism is not politics but they can work in concert toward the same goals.  Sanders understands this better than most.  I’ve been reading one of his books this week, Outsider in the White House.  Let me share a little snippit with you.

While I will not accept PAC money from corporate America, I gladly accept PAC contributions from organizations fighting to improve life for ordinary people. Over the years, my campaigns have received strong financial support from PACs associated with organized labor, the environment, women, senior citizens, human rights, and the needs of children. That is continuing in this campaign.

The general ignorance surrounding the issue of campaign financing is frustrating. My opponents call me a “hypocrite” for accepting PAC money. How can I accept PAC money, they say, and then claim that I am fighting against “special interests”? Isn’t a PAC, by definition, a “special interest”? Aren’t all PAC contributions the same? Does it make any difference who the PAC represents?

Such questions, which are repeated ad nauseum in the media, reflect a lack of understanding of the role of money in politics. So let me be very clear about this. I do not believe that working people are a special interest. I do not believe that hungry kids are a special interest. I do not believe that fighting for the right of women to control their own bodies is a special interest. I do not believe that protecting the environment is a special interest.

(Sanders, Gutman “Outsider in the White House” (2015))

I’ve learned a lot reading this book.  I’ve learned that Bernie has faced the the same type of problems we’ve seen in this election, in every race he’s run to some degree.  I know I’ll never be able to look at politics or any election the same way ever again.  I think that’s good!

Time and time again, Bernie has taken the higher road in refusing to sling mud or attack an opponent on a personal level.  That frustrated many of us when we could see so clearly how he was cheated, and how horribly his delegates were treated.  We saw first hand that the Democratic party had no interest in what we had to say.  It hurt.  It hurt a lot and it was hard to understand.  But I can tell you that it’s nothing new to Bernie, he’s been through it in every race he’s ran in.  The deck was always stacked against him.  The media always either ignored him or treated him like a novelty item.  He steadfastly kept talking about the issues.  He didn’t sling mud, or stoop to name calling.  So, when the time came to sit down at a table with some of these people and negotiate, he had a leg to stand on.  He may not of been wanted there, but no one could deny his integrity, and he had earned some respect.

I’m going to do my best to follow that example, and treat the people that disagree with me the way I would like to be treated.  I may make mistakes, but I’ve raised my expectation of myself now.  When I see stuff that just infuriates me, I take a breath and remember that we’ve got a barn to raise.


Exit Poll Party-ID: Sanders vs. Clinton

Richard Charnin's Blog

Richard Charnin
July 17,  2016

Richard CharninMatrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts
Proving Election Fraud: Phantom Voters, Uncounted Votes and the National Poll
Democratic Primaries spread sheet
From TDMS Research: Democratic 2016 primaries

This analysis is based on the official adjusted Democratic primary exit poll shares.
Note that in just two years, Independents  have increased from 24.2% to  43% of the electorate. 

2014   2016  
DemIndInd/ (Ind+  Dem) DemIndInd/ (Ind+ Dem)
40.5%24.2%37.4% 32%43%57.3%

The model  calculates Sanders vs. Clinton True Vote vote shares based on the latest Party-ID mix of Independents and Democratic voters. The assumption is that they voted in proportion to the Party-ID mix. Independents voted heavily for Sanders.

In order to match the recorded vote in a number of primaries  mathematically impossible (negative) and implausibly low  Democratic shares…

View original post 358 more words

Response to Nate Cohn of the NY Times

Richard Charnin's Blog

Response to Nate Cohn of the NY Times

Richard Charnin
June 28,2016

Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts
Proving Election Fraud: Phantom Voters, Uncounted Votes and the National Poll
Democratic Primaries spread sheet
From TDMS Research: Democratic 2016 primaries

In his recent NY Times article,  Nate Cohn reverts to classic exit poll naysayer talking points that have been debunked long ago. Nate is just the latest MSM disinformation tool in a long line of young guns from Salon, the NY Times and the Nation.  I have already written posts debunking Farhad Manjoo,  Mark Lindeman, Mark Blumenthal, John Fund, Nate Silver, Joshua Holland.

I thought I was done writing these kinds of posts. But then Nate Cohn wrote a piece in which he joined the Pantheon of Disinformationists:

An Open Letter to Salon’s Farhad Manjoo
An Open Letter to John Fund (WSJ):…

View original post 2,383 more words


Richard Charnin's Blog

Richard Charnin
June 24, 2016

Matrix of Deceit: Forcing Pre-election and Exit Polls to Match Fraudulent Vote Counts
Proving Election Fraud: Phantom Voters, Uncounted Votes and the National Poll
Democratic Primaries spread sheet
From TDMS Research: Democratic 2016 primaries


In California on Election Day, Clinton led Sanders 56.8-43.2% in machine-counted mail-in ballots. Sanders leads in hand-counted mail-ins by 51.1-48.9% (391,012-374,839 votes).

As usual, votes were flipped on maliciously-coded voting machines and central tabulators. Nearly 15% of Sanders’ votes were flipped to Clinton.

Sanders hand-counted share exceeded his machine-counted share in EVERY county. The probability of this occurrence is absolute ZERO.

Poll workers claim that 50% to 90% of voters who were supposed to have been eligible to vote in the Democratic primary were told they would have to vote using provisional ballots.  There were two…

View original post 414 more words

The Two Truths

I pledge allegiance to the logo

of the United Corporation of America

and to the Oligarchy for which we labor

for the profit of the few

with inequality and propaganda for all.

I think if we are going to pledge allegiance to anything, it ought to be the truth.  The pledge above strikes me as more true than the one we currently use.  But it is not the only truth in play.  

As more and more people wake up to the awareness of how the world is being run, they represent another truth.  The truth that we are all connected.  The truth that all people, no matter their demographic, want only to live in peace and be happy.  That truth is ultimately more powerful than any other and I believe is humanity’s saving grace.  But that doesn’t mean there won’t be struggle.  

Those of us following the election this year have been on an emotional roller-coaster.  We’ve either attended or watched videos of rallies and speeches that moved us to tears of joy.  We’ve watched fraud occur over and over that moved us to tears of anger.  We ask ourselves why it’s happening.  We look for answers.  

We hear a call.  A call our hearts want to answer.  We want to stand up, be heard, be counted.  Many are choosing to run for office.  Others are pledging to support them.  It’s the right direction to go I think.  But the very first thing we MUST do is secure the integrity of our elections.

I’m amazed how little that is even mentioned. Have you ever heard about it from the MSM?  I have not.  There are some great resources on the web though, Richard Charnin’s is one I have been looking at lately.  We need to really educate ourselves.  Look at the confusion of the CA primary, where rules varied county to county and a straight answer didn’t seem to exist anywhere. Things need to change.  Petitions circulated wildly during the primaries.  Some to the White House, which told us that elections are under the control of the States and Obama would not interfere.  

So it appears we need to go state by state.  We need people writing letters NOW.  We need protests organized at the local and state levels. If you can, please volunteer as a poll worker. We need to get rid of these voting machines and insist on a hand count for the upcoming general election.  I can’t say that it will happen, but we should try.  Time is already short.  Lawsuits are in the works, but they have been trying to fight election fraud through lawsuits for years now.  Has it ever changed the outcome of an election?  Still, it’s a step in the right direction.  Trust Vote has been working on this for years.  If you haven’t already done so, please check them out.  Pay special attention to this clip of Bev Harris explaining what a fractured vote really means.

We, as a progressive movement are a bit scattered.  Some want to take over the Democratic Party and change it from within.  Some want to band together into a viable third-party.  Each method has its pros and cons.  But we need to pick ONE.  We cannot be divided in this.  That is what the oligarchs are counting on.  That is what has happened before.  We fracture off into small, easily dismissed groups and remain the “fringe”.   When the real truth is, we are the majority.  They are counting on us to be too distracted to keep our momentum going.  There is the matter of survival, ongoing war, mass shootings, civil rights.  It all matters.  But we must see it as part of the whole.  

One thing I will say is, we must look ahead and be prepared.  They have seen the power of social media.  They have noticed the lack of faith in MSM.  We need to expand our reach and get the message out every way we can, while we can.  Talk to your neighbors.  Hold meetings.  Write editorials.  Hold peaceful protests.  Always remember that many, many people have no idea what’s really going on.   These aren’t “bad” people.  They are usually either over-worked and under-paid folks just trying to make it through another day or, those our education system has sadly failed.  Either way, our goal should be to educate, starting from their current understanding.  

I cannot tell you how much it comforts me to see all the younger people who are involved with this movement.  To you I say, you really are the future of this country.  I am in my 50’s now and I can look back with the benefit of hindsight.  I will tell you there was a time I believed whatever the “news” told me.  I believed that Democrats were inevitably the “good guys” that cared about people.  I followed right along when I was told to fear people, that war was justified, that every person in America had a voice in how they were governed. 

So please, have compassion for those that haven’t seen yet.  No one wants to realize they are Darth Vader when they thought they were Luke.  It’s a very painful, but intimately freeing moment when you see what we have really become.  I wonder sometimes if we are seeing art imitate life or the other way around.  I hear a lot of people mention Orwell’s 1984.  I think of Hunger Games and Cloud Atlas.  All speak to something deeper going on.  I have found they help me ride out the storms of change.

I have three things I’d like to emphasize in conclusion.  

Election Integrity should be our top priority.

We must band together behind one strategy.

Wake those still sleeping with compassion.

Thank you for taking the time to read.  Please feel free to comment and share.  The Revolution Continues.

The Outsiders


The cognitive dissonance that began early in the primary campaign has grown into open hostility as the DNC blindly continues to disenfranchise Sanders supporters while simultaneously demanding party loyalty.

Even though reports of violence, “chair throwing”, and death threats have been disproved they continue to be used to chastise those who openly support Senator Sanders and speak out against corruption in government.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz owes every Sanders supporter an apology, though I wouldn’t hold my breath.  They employ Karl Rove tactics with every move, we’ve seen this since the first primary.

The establishment that’s in power now does not want you too see with your own eyes but depend on them to tell you what to see, what to think, how to feel and who to vote for.  I say, we believe our own eyes.

images (3)

No, this is not a camera trick or a sleazy ploy.  Hillary has never been able to draw in throngs of supporters the way Bernie has and continues to. Yet, we are supposed to believe she’s winning.  In fact according to her recent statement in a CNN interview, the race is over and she’s won.  Making that statement at this time doesn’t exude confidence my friends, it exudes fear.

As does this recent email sent out on behalf of Debbie Wasserman Schultz to fund-raise for her.  I found several mistakes in the email though and took the time to correct the record for them.  Here it is with my edits in parenthesis.

We can’t sit by and allow this to happen.(must be hard to sit when your pants are on fire)

Debbie is being bombarded. Opponents with their undisclosed, outside money(concerned citizens making legal contirbutions) are trying to take her down and kick her out of office(supporting the candidate of their choice) by spinning a web of distortions(calling DWS out on her record). But we have one thing they don’t. You.(eh, no, you don’t)

Debbie faces six opponents this time around.(because no one wants her) One of them raised close to a million dollars(people believe in him and want him to win), but almost all of the cash came from outside of Florida(the whole nation is sick of the corruption).I’m not sure if you saw Debbie’s email yesterday, but we need your help, and we need it now. Outsiders(Democrats and liberal Independents that vote Dem) are coming after Debbie. You can help us make sure they don’t get the last word by giving any amount you can. Debbie is counting on you.(She can count on us just as much as we’ve been able to count on her)

It’s no wonder Debbie’s opponents attract out-of-state donors.(Since she’s publicly made a mockery of the Democratic process) South Floridians know no one will speak up louder on the issues they care about than Debbie.(unfortunately, the issues she cares about are getting Hillary elected at any and all costs, no matter how illegal, unethical or immoral, propagating lies against Senator Sanders and his supporters in the media, turning a blind eye to election fraud, colluding in very shady campaign finance via the Hillary Victory Fund then allowing funds for down-ballot Dems to be stolen back from them, and supporting predatory lenders that prey on poor people just trying to make it though the month to keep them locked in debt they can never pay off)

But that doesn’t change the fact that they’re prepared to spend lots of money distorting Debbie’s record(nope, those are your tactics, not ours) to convince South Florida families otherwise.

We need resources(oh I bet you do, get used to it) to make sure that voters know the truth. We need to be ready to respond and organize, and that means we need your support. Protect Debbie’s seat by helping us reach our May goal. Chip in $5 to put us on track.(I’ll get us on track by donating again to Tim Canova, thanks for the reminder)

Thank you,

Team DWS

I will disclose here that I do support one of her opponents, Tim Canova.  But it appears others are also beginning to see some problems with her, especially in regard to her role as Chair of the DNC.

So here we are.  A majority that is no longer content to remain silent, told we are the outsiders.  We are not needed or wanted in the Democratic party, but we damn well better vote for “Queen Hillary” if we know what’s good for us.  Gee, can we carry her books and do her math homework too?

I find it so ironic that they themselves seem incapable of seeing the flaw in their own logic.  Barbara Boxer is the perfect example of this.  She’s seen in this clip leaving the NV convention blowing kisses and flipping the bird to the people that have just had their Democracy ripped out from under them.

We’ve all been experiencing anger and great disappointment watching the Democratic Party’s handling of these primaries and state conventions.  I was appalled when President Obama came out and endorsed DWS.  But to be honest, it’s clear he is part of the problem and has been for the most part all along.  He did do some good, but no where near enough.  And he did a lot of harm in bailing out the big banks, while ignoring the PEOPLE that lost their homes and jobs.  Much like he ignores the “collateral damage” that translates into innocent people killed with his drone strikes.

But we cannot hold this anger my friends.  Anger and hatred are poison that damage the vessel that holds them.  We must channel our energy towards positive change.  The door to the White House hasn’t closed yet.  But even if it does, it’s not the only door we can go through.  We must build a strong foundation for this movement.  We must come together and use our different voices to create harmony.

The establishment will not be eradicated, it will be transformed.  We can start working now, even as we shoot for the White House.  If Senator Sanders is elected, he will need our help.  Check out Brand New Congress, support local candidates that support what you believe in, write your elected officials, run for office if you feel called to, protest peacefully in Philly and at home.  We’re building a round table my friends, where everyone can sit with us.  We’re moving beyond the mentality of “Us vs. Them” into a paradigm of inclusion, of Oneness.

Just like a butterfly no longer needs the cocoon, some things will be discarded or drastically changed along the way.  And it will be uncomfortable at times, but change usually involves a bit of struggle.  So focus on the future we want to see, don’t be distracted or dissuaded.  Call things out yes, but don’t dwell on it, don’t stew in righteous indignation because it eats your energy and wastes your time.  Take that energy and phone bank, write, donate, organize.

Take the lesson learned in Jr. High, if someone or something doesn’t want you, walk away and do your own thing.  In time, they’ll be tapping you on the shoulder asking to be included.
